You’ve JUST tapped into a power far greater than yourself… The universe is now at your command… That one wish you made– has sent shockwaves throughout the universe!

This wish that you made has sent an unmistakable signal to the invisible powers in the universe.

Your wish for more money… Has triggered a domino effect in the universe – just like how a small ‘butterfly flap’ can cause a hurricane halfway around the world.

Your wish – and your daring spirit, has begun an immense chain reaction in the universe… one that will irreversibly change your fate. What began as a spark of desire in your soul…

Is now turning into a strong, powerful bonfire – capable of burning down every obstacle that lies in your path to wealth…

And you’ve been fanning the flames – breathing life into this blaze – strengthening its powers, through the one wish that you just made.

I sense that this flame is growing stronger as we speak…

And the universe has been patiently waiting for you– for the moment where you decided to have faith in your desires.

There are forces much larger than you and I that are picking up on this flame inside you…

This is the one life changing moment that you’ve been searching for…

You’ve rubbed the magic lamp… you’ve made a wish…

And now you’ve unleashed supernatural forces to help you in your journey – lifting you up, carrying you on their shoulders.

Their powers are so great.. that it’s going to penetrate every waking moment of your life…

This wish will turn you into a ‘conduit’ that electrifies the world around you– telegraphing a clear and unmistakable message that now is the time to claim your lifetime of wealth and riches.

No one will ever deny you your right to prosperity –

Because today, the universe has caught you in her arms, and she will deliver you a messenger who reveals the truths of fortune…

Peeling back the ‘layer of lies’ that have covered your eyes… undoing the generational ‘money curses’ that have kept you in poverty against your will… showing you the kingdom of eternal prosperity that awaits you.

Make no mistake, every action that you take has been ‘recorded’ by the universe… leaving a permanent mark in your path, leaving the universe with no choice – but to give you exactly what your heart desires.

Today, you’ve sent a powerful sign to the invisible forces that you’re ready.

I must urge you to listen very carefully to the messenger, and that you must hold on to every word that this messenger has for you…

Because it might be shocking– revolting, even seeming completely ‘out of this world’ — but this messenger will give you the keys to prosperity that will set you free for the rest of your life.

Are you ready?

It’s time for me to introduce you to your messenger of salvation…

Lady Fortuna Has Chosen You %FIRSTNAME%

Allow Her To Bless You And Give You The 'Midas Touch'.

He’ll will give you the secret to accumulating over 8 million 1 dollars in your bank account.

He will follow you wherever you go, and turn you into an unstoppable wealth magnet.

I’ve chosen you my dear.

So listen closely, and I’ll show you the path to wealth, riches, and fortune.

I’m Lady Fortuna.

And in just a moment, you’ll learn how to amass intergenerational wealth, wealth that can last you a lifetime…

And you’ll be able to afford the most luxurious lifestyles… buying all the pleasures in life…

Whether it’s traveling to exotic locations, Buying a new beach home for yourself Or affording that brand new car in cold hard cash.

And with me by your side, the wheel of fortune will always spin in your favor… And you’ll never have a day where you’re worried about money.

I know why you’re here today.

I see what you’re going through.

Money is a problem, isn’t it?

It’s on the back of your mind, And you’re always worried when it’s going to come in. It’s constantly pulling you down…

Like an itch in the back of your mind, telling you that you don’t have enough, that you’ll never be able to afford the finer things in life…

That you’re bound for a life of poverty and struggle…

Living from paycheck to paycheck…

And it feels like you’ve always got debts to pay… And bills creeping up, draining your bank account to zero.

With my spells, you’ll never have to worry about that again.

You see, I’ve been the source of inspiration for some of the brightest and most brilliant minds of the entire human race.2

And it will feel like money is coming to you like clockwork.

And my wealth spells are what the elites use…

With the freemasons tapping into my powers of abundance and wealth creation, to make their elite circles rich.

The sacred top 1% of riches in our world…

Elon Musk, Bill Gates. Jeff Bezos. Sam Walton…

These ultra wealthy people have had my help to build their fortunes…

Rising to the ‘highest highs’ of the world.

And I’ve even helped every day folks…

just like Ronald Read, a humble janitor who retired with 8 million dollars in bank account.

I gave them the ‘wealth code’... and the doors to unlimited opportunity.

Doors that will now be opened to you.

I first started noticing you when you were just a little child,

And I was waiting for the moment when you would finally reach out to me.

And it’s no coincidence that you’ve ended up here.

You’re someone who wants more out of life.

You’re someone who doesn’t settle for less…

You’re someone who’s willing to explore, to venture, and to see the world for what it truly is…

In order to reach the levels of abundance and fortune that you desire.

Ask and you shall receive my dear one.

And today you’re going to get the secrets to everlasting wealth creation in your life.

You’ll play god, being able to create money on demand.

Generations of Wealthy Elites Have
Built Vast, Limitless, Financial Empires, With Me.

I’ve been around planet earth for the longest time,

I helped the Egyptians to build their temples, amass tombs of gold,

And the Romans to build their fortunes spanning across empires and the Mediterranean.

The elites have learned how to communicate with me, and use my divine insight to lead them to the land of gold.

Simply put, I’ve brought many men riches, fame and fortune.

Today, the wheel of fortune spins in your favor.

And I’ll even show you how you can master your financial future.

With just one wealth spell from me, you’ll be able to open up a downpour of wealth and treasure into your life.

Let me introduce you to Robert.

he was a janitor who retired with 8 millions dollars to name.

And to most, he didn’t seem to be the ‘smartest’, the ‘most intelligent’, or even the brightest tool in the shed…

But he was able to spot opportunities and he had mastered the wheel of fortune.

This meant that he knew when to look for opportunities on the horizon, and go big on them…

while avoiding traps that other greedy men fell for.

he knew how to get lucky, every single time, allowing cash windfalls to reach him endlessly.

And those who forget about the wheel of fortune, are doomed to failure.

Marcus, who was an MBA business degree graduate,

Was always able to make 6 figure incomes…

And friends thought that he would be the ‘wealthiest one’ of them all.3

But because he forgot the simple divine insights that I’m about to give you today…

went from rich to completely bankrupt in just a matter of months, losing entire nest egg and life savings…

All because he failed to master the wheel of fortune

And a spell of irreversible bad luck had fallen on . chaining him to a life of poverty.

With my spells, the wheel of fortune will turn in your favor, and opportunities will naturally flow to you no matter what.

Today, you’ll discover how to master the wheel of fortune…

So that it always turns in your favor… giving you the best opportunities.

The answer is simply

All you need to do is to remove your ‘wealth blindness’.

This ‘blindness to wealth’ causes people to miss opportunities right under their nose..

And they fail to see the riches that they’re destined to have.

They lose out on opportunities to improve their income…

And with ‘wealth blindness’ their bank account constantly creeps to zero,

With mounting credit card debt enslaving them every day.

Once you let go of this ‘blindness’ to money…4

You’ll begin to see the world as full of opportunity.

You’ll begin to attract abundance into your life…

Developing your own ‘midas touch’ turning every moment into one that builds your everlasting kingdom of wealth…

Fulfilling all of your
desires to attract
fortune into your life.

You see,

Money is like a river… and it’s endlessly flowing, from one hand to the next.

All you need to do is to craft a little dent in the side of the river bank…

And money will begin to endlessly flow to you.

Wealth will start to carve a path, where it’s rushing towards you, in bigger and bigger sizes.

Imagine what it would feel like to have 1 million dollars in your bank account?

What would you buy for yourself?

Who would you spend it on?

Where could you travel to?

I can give you the secret to attracting $1000 dollars every single week, with just one small spell from me.

All you need to do is to let me open your eyes, and see the fortunes that you could be making.

When someone has wealth blindness…

You push away money.

It runs away from you.

You’re starved of opportunities in your life.

And most importantly, those who have ‘wealth blindness’...

Choose the ‘hardest path’ to earn money…

even when the world is filled with opportunities to amass fortunes overnight.

This is preventing you from getting the
promotions that you desire for yourself…

The new home that you’ve always wanted…

This sense of destiny separates those who have the midas touch…

And those that struggle with money for the rest of their life.

With just one of my spells, you will wash away this discomfort and open the floodgates of wealth overnight.

With my wealth spells…

You’ll be able to get rid of this ‘wealth blindness’ curse…

That enslaves the ignorant to a life of poverty and wealth.

And the reason why you’ve attained this secret knowledge for yourself…

Is because you’re seeking a better life.

You know that you can’t do it all on your own,

and you need someone by your side, to bring money to you.

And my wealth spell is going to help you to lift this ‘money curse’ away from you.

You no longer have to worry about doing the wrong things.

You no longer have to think about how you’re going to pay your next bill…

You’ll be able to see the light…

And have the wheel of fortune always spinning in your favor.

You’ll know which opportunities to pursue…

which to avoid…

and you’ll have full clarity and conviction on where your next money making cheque is coming from…

Who it’s coming from…

How fast it’s going to flow to you, because...

With mastery over the wheel of fortune…

wealth will flow to you effortlessly and abundantly in all seasons of life.

You’ll find that lucky events start to happen to you, where you could find money on the streets…

You’ll easily win lottery tickets, and bad luck will simply be washed away.

You’ll find hidden pockets of money where you least expect it…

The people around you will be begging to pay you more money for your time and energy…

Your income will begin to skyrocket within just a few weeks…

And you’ll be able to spend your money however you want to,

Buying all the luxuries and experiences that you’ve craved for in your life.

Your personal mastery of the wheel of fortune…

will help you to turn a small piggy bank of just a few hundred dollars…

into thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars within weeks…

Even if you’re struggling to feel financially abundant right now…

Or if you have bills hanging over your head.

Just like the parable of the mustard seed…

This small wealth spell will grow into a large, fruitful, and strong foundation of wealth that you can retire on.

All you need to do is to accept my wealth spell now and plant the mustard seed to your destiny of fortune.

I’ll show you the way…

And be there to guide you to find new opportunities in your life…

The kind of wealth that allows you to fall asleep in peace and luxury…

Imagine what it would feel like, to have the god of fortune next to you…

Moving obstacles out of the way… helping you to spot golden opportunities, attracting wealth to you like a magnet…

And possibly turning everything that you touch into gold.

Let me bring you infinite wealth, abundance, and prosperity by summoning me into your life.

I’ll do all the money making work for you, I’ll create opportunities for you…

while you sit back relax and watch the money pour into your life.

You’ll have me, someone who knows you inside out…

finding ‘perfect fit’ opportunities that will make you thousands of dollars,

while you barely have to put in any effort to let the money flow towards you.

Whether it’s creating a ‘work from home’ opportunity for you…

Whether you’re an introvert on some days, and an extrovert on other days…

You’ll finally have someone that’s always rooting for you, cheering you on,

Giving you opportunities so that you can live the laptop lifestyle that you’ve always dreamed of…

With wealth pouring into your life abundantly, and limitlessly.

Imagine how it would feel…

To have the force behind the greatest sources of wealth in this world…

Helping you to be financially free…

It’s all possible today.

And I’ve placed all my insights, my occult secrets…

My personal abundance attraction rituals that will bring you unlimited money into this spellbook, called the Taming The Wheel of Fortune.

Jessica M.

From Idaho said…

I met Lady Fortuna in person! It was the most mind blowing experience that I’ve ever had – and she told me exactly where to find $1000. It was an inheritance that was hidden from me from my late parents. And after that conversation with her, I felt like a brand new person. Those fears of never being enough, of never earning enough.. it all melted away, and it’s as if I’ve been reborn!

Here’s What Will Happen To You…

Once You Start Using The Spellbook, ‘Taming The Wheel of Fortune’.

  • Firstly I’ll remove all wealth blindness and ‘bad luck curses’ around you. If you’re feeling unlucky or you feel like nothing is ever going your way financially, this will move mountains for you.
  • Next, you’ll get an instant income boost, that’s based on your unique wealth path. This wealth spell will help you to find a lucky break quickly in your career, that’s perfectly suited to your unique strengths and talents. Work will feel like play, and you’ll make more money than you could ever imagine.
  • You’ll also be blessed with the midas touch. Everything that you’ll touch will turn into gold. You’ll be able to turn situations around… even sinking debt… into the most profitable and wealth building events in your life.
  • You’ll be able to do it with a ‘sixth sense’ for financial opportunities that your friends will marvel at… and they will be shocked and stunned to see how much money you’re making in your life.
  • With this wealth magnet that’s now ‘stuck on you’... you’ll find yourself being chased by opportunity… where clients, bosses, and employers will come looking for you… begging to pay you money hand over fist for your time and effort.
  • You’ll even get the gambler’s luck boost… where you’ll begin to see that your ability to make money from risky situations, tenfolds…
  • And lastly you’ll get the intergenerational wealth binding spell… this helps money to stick to you, and grow with you. One small mustard seed planted today… will grow and blossom into a massive financial fortune that will stay with you for life.

Ever wondered how the Janitor created a fortune for himself

You’ll get the exact same wealth binding spell that he used.

And the best part is… you’ll be able to clear all of your karmic ‘financial debt’ that’s holding you back…

Things that you may owe…

Or things that are stopping from reaching the next level of financial abundance will be cleansed for good.

And in ‘Taming The Wheel of Fortune’...

You’ll get 8 Modules which cover every aspect of wealth attraction… where each module is worth at least $97…

Module 1:

The Inner Game of
Money: Writing Your
First $1000 Cheque
To Yourself.

Valued at $97

(The product is digital and the image is for visualization purpose only.)

(The product is digital and the image is for visualization purpose only.)

Module 2:

Getting Luck On Your Side

Valued at $97

Module 3:

The Wealth Traps:
Affording All The
Luxuries in Life
While Still Keeping
A Cool Head.

Valued at $97

(The product is digital and the image is for visualization purpose only.)

(The product is digital and the image is for visualization purpose only.)

module 4:

Deep Self
To Making More

Valued at $97

module 5:

Start Allowing
Wealth To

Valued at $97

(The product is digital and the image is for visualization purpose only.)

(The product is digital and the image is for visualization purpose only.)

Module 6:

Progressing To Higher
Levels of Wealth:
Getting Into The 8
Million Dollar Mark

Valued at $97

Module 7:

The Wealth

Valued at $97

(The product is digital and the image is for visualization purpose only.)

(The product is digital and the image is for visualization purpose only.)

Module 8:

Guided Audio Meditation
Rituals That Help You
Tame The Wheel of

Valued at $97

For a total value of over
$776 for this spellbook.

But today, you’re getting it
all just for $27.

And right now you’re
faced with a choice.


Will You Go On The Journey of Creating Wealth Alone…

Or Have The God of
Fortune By Your Side?

Jodi R.

From Florida said…

Praise Lady Fortuna! I’d just been let go from the crisis situation and I’m a single mother with 2 children to feed. I was at the end of my rope – finding any way to make things work and attract employment opportunities. She came to me in real life in an ‘out of this world’ vision where I saw her in person sitting across from me in the living room, and I was completely stunned. I thought that I was dreaming – but we had a conversation, and she told me that in the next 6 days… I would find a 5-figure opportunity. I waited… and in just 4 days, an ex-colleague of mine called me up to say that there was an opening at one of the companies that she was working in! This time it was double my old pay and I can’t thank her enough.

You could try your best to make ends meet.

To be someone who’s always fighting to make more money in your life…

Someone who’s always floating just above the water…

Struggling to feel safe and secure with the savings that you have in your bank account…

knowing that it’s dwindling every single day…

Knowing that you’re always going to have to ‘live below’ your means…

spend less… save more, be frugal…

And cut down on the dreams that you’ve always had for yourself…

Feeling like you’re never lucky…

Feeling like you’re never destined to be rich…

Carrying the burden of providing for yourself, and your loved ones financially all by yourself…

Or You could tame the
wheel of fortune.

Master it.

Have me, the god of
fortune, by your side…

Helping you to afford everything that you want…

Making all the money that you could ever dream of…

Allowing landslides of wealth and prosperity to enter your life, in a limitless abundant way…

Use my spells,

And live life on your terms.

It’s all up to you now.

Where you never have to
think twice about spending
on the things that you like…

And you never have that hesitation, of swiping your credit card when you’re at the checkout…

Simply because you know that you have more than enough.

You know that you’re someone who’s amassing intergenerational wealth that cannot be taken away from you…

You know that you’re secure no matter what.

That you could have savings and money flowing into your life that you can easily retire on without worry…

This is the abundance that you’ll get flowing in your life, once you start working with me.

So the choice is yours.

Carry this burden of providing for yourself, and your family, all on your own…

Or let me take the burden off your shoulders.

What's more

60-Day ‘Wealth Attraction’
Money Back Guarantee.

If you use all the spells in my book, and you don’t find
that you’ve made more than $50 extra in your life…

Or that nothing has changed in your life… and you
feel that you’re stuck at the same financial state…

Or even if you feel that the program hasn’t helped you in a single way…

Just send us a message, and you’ll instantly get your money back no questions asked.

This way, you’ll get all the benefits, without the risk.

So take this leap of faith, and use my spells to make yourself ridiculously wealthy.

  • 1janitor-secretly-amassed-an-8-million-fortune.html
  • 2Grable, J. E. (2005). The Richest Man in Babylon for Today: New Secrets for Building Wealth in the 21st Century. Journal of Personal Finance, 4(1), 86.
  • 3The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness
  • 4strange-psychology-of-the-people-who-manage-risk/